Holocaust Remembrance Service of Northwest Louisiana
The Holocaust Remembrance Service
The service is typically held at a different location each year. The service usually lasts one to one and a half hours. Dress should be appropriately respectful for a house of worship. The intention for the service is to be welcoming to all faiths and people who wish to remember the lives that were lost during the Holocaust, and are committed to strive to obliterate injustice wherever it is found.

The ceremony usually includes:

Appropriate musical passages
Welcome and Benediction
Proclamation and presentation by the Mayors of Shreveport and Bossier City 
Lighting 11 candles in memory of the 11 million victims of the Shoah/Holocaust
Keynote speaker and/or Special program
Mourners' prayer
Closing remarks
An invitation to partake in refreshments and visit with each other at the host location